Getting back to pre-covid footfall

Has opening post lockdown lived up to your expectations?

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5 December 2020

Has opening post lockdown lived up to your expectations?

Location seems to matter more than ever, towns and retail parks are seeing footfall return to almost pre-covid level, however cities continue to be at a slower pace.

The following factors are affecting these changes:

  • Offices re opening
  • Childcare
  • Transport
  • Changes in rules and easing of lockdown

Have these factors affected your business?

It would appear that shoppers feel that their biggest barrier to shopping or dining out is long queues, with many suggesting they will continue to buy online or order takeaway to avoid this. Which will have a detrimental effect on our highstreets.

Habits have changed as people want to maintain physical distance – hence the switch to online shopping and the popularity of ordering apps in bars; customers need reassurance that your business has thought of and adapted to make them safe. One way to signal this is through technology.

With this in mind, we wanted to highlight our SmartQ, Smart Appointments, and Smart Bookings products.

  • SmartQ: our “take a ticket” app. Customers use the app to join a queue and wait safely until they’re notified to enter the store

  • Smart Appointments: our appointment app that allows pre-booking of specific appointment times with notifications

  • Smart Bookings: our booking app to reserve restaurant, pub or café tables